monster sarcasm rally

(contains short works of neurotica and general abuses of sarcasm)


Did you know?

Something was possing™ me off and I was going to write about it.

If only I could remember what it was...

From now on (read 'until I get really tired of it') Mondays will be the official Dear BigPimpin (1, 2, 3) days. I can only take so much of that crap. Post your letters/questions in the comments section or e-mail them to beandog [at] rogers [dot] com.

You're no longer allowed to smile in passport photos. Apparently, only terrorists smile. If you see people smiling as they walk around the office, you should shoot them. Clearly, they're up to no good.

You heard me. I said 'poss'. Why? Because I can't type for carp™. But I said it and now I'm trademarking it. And if you don't like it you can bute™ me.
|| this is the word of the sarcastrix @ 14:50

everybody's 2¢ worth:

at 15:08 Blogger Rachel said...
I HATE it when this poss me off.

at 15:08 Blogger Rachel said...
Or when "things" poss me off, even. D'oh! Made a spelling mistake while being snarky about someone else's spelling mistake!

at 15:17 Blogger jj said...
THATS WHAT I'VE ALWAYS SAID. Smiling is over rated. If you ever see me smile, please shoot me!!

at 15:19 Blogger jj said...
(and I didn't even think it was a spelling mistake, just s.i.c language/ innit.

at 15:32 Anonymous Anonymous said...
You can all bute™ me!

By the way, nice picture there, Mr Grumpy Pants.

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