I want to talk about a very serious subject today: homelessness. I'd like to look at the problem from a slightly different perspective, though.
I have noticed an alarming trend in my own life concerning homelessness. Homeless men frequently hit on me. As I walk around the city of Toronto, homeless men emerge from doorways and alleyways. They sit on curbs and benches. And they tell me I am beautiful. They tell me I have a nice bum. They make assorted statements to the general effect that they think I am desirable.
This, in and of itself, is not particularly disturbing. Homeless men have as much right as anybody to express interest in me. Aha... But now we've hit on the real problem. Nobody else is expressing any interest. It seems that I am attractive only to homeless men. Why is this? Does it reveal something particular about me?
I am in no way implying that the homeless population of Toronto should leave me alone or stop talking to me, merely that it might be nice if (just for once) somebody who wasn't homeless expressed some interest.
Thank you. That is all.
Sorry, dude... Maybe I just have that special something that they want and you don't. Besides, you don't need homeless people to hit on you. You have a wife. All I've got is the homeless people.