monster sarcasm rally

(contains short works of neurotica and general abuses of sarcasm)


Well that was anticlimactic

I was going to write this last night, but then I went out for pizza with the boys instead...

That has to have been the lamest Christmas party in the history of ever. I let Moiraine sparklify me for that? I got all dressed up to stand around not talking to my co-workers? I worried about what exactly?

The one interesting result of the evening was learning that New Chick thinks that guys in their 30s and 40s are hot. Ugh!*

*To all my readers who fall into this category: sorry to disillusion you, old dudes. You may be nice and funny and smart and whatever, but you are just so not my thing... I am sorry to inform you that your desire for me** will go unrequited.

**Of course, unless you are also homeless, you weren't looking at me that way anyways.
|| this is the word of the sarcastrix @ 10:13

everybody's 2ยข worth:

at 07:18 Blogger Aubrey said...
I know that you ARE.NOT.TALKING.ABOUT.ME when you talk about guys in their 40's not being hot. Come on...even George Clooney has spent the last ten years trying to emulate me....and being the Buffy fan that you are, you can't even begin to question the "hotness" of Spike and Buffy's other old vamp boyfriend - who are both in their 30's! (Not hot by my view by the way, but seemingly the view of every girl I know who's ever watched the show).

at 08:41 Anonymous Anonymous said...
Well... See the hotness of Spike (who's friggin' 42! shudder...) is derived from his personality as opposed to his appearance.

Um... Okay, part of it is also the many scenes in which he somehow needs to take his shirt off...


at 08:42 Anonymous Anonymous said...
Oh, and George Clooney... So. Not. Hot.


at 16:12 Blogger Aubrey said...
ouch...Sarcastix mean...Sarcastix make Buster cry...Buster go back to bed, weep in his pillow and think Buster ugly...Then Buster notice gi-normous weiner Buster has and feel better, justifying caveman talk and realize that Sarcastix, though intellectually appealing and an obviously fun girl, has really poor taste in men.

at 17:06 Anonymous Anonymous said...
Aww... Now Buster, I'm sure George Clooney only wants to look like you. My crack was a dig at him, not you. I'm sure you're a fine speciman of old, no um... older, no um... mature manliness.

My taste in men is simple. They must:
-have muscles
-be literate
-make me laugh (preferably with them, not at them, but whatever)
-be astoundingly gorgeous
-be at least five years younger than I am



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