monster sarcasm rally

(contains short works of neurotica and general abuses of sarcasm)


Show off your useless knowledge, Anne

Monster sarcasm rally, long your regular source of adventures in sarcasm and the occasional bit of unintelligible pre-coffee sarc, is now the only blog to award points to readers for knowing useless bits of nonsarc.

Currently in the lead is the Saint with the six points he earned for his in depth knowledge of BtVS. Bringing up the rear is everybody else with no points.

Nobody's even attempted to claim the 20 points up for grabs today in That's disgusting!
|| this is the word of the sarcastrix @ 14:56

everybody's 2ยข worth:

at 15:20 Blogger SJ said...
Hey, you're back! I stopped coming here because you hadn't posted for months. But I'll be back now. Just give me points in the meantime. I like points.

at 15:22 Blogger SJ said...
Hang on - the first part of that comment should have gone elsewhere. You never went anywhere. Minus 2 points for Ian...

at 15:40 Anonymous Anonymous said...
Okay, very well... Thus bringing the current tally to:
Saint: 6 points
Entire world except the Saint and Ian: 0 points
Ian: -2 points



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