Oh goody, it's time for another
Letter from the Editor. This one even picks apart somebody's grammar.
I am writing in regards to
your comment of yesterday afternoon. What you had to say was as follows.
I am somewhat perplexed by this. The symbol you have used is a mathematical one meaning 'greater than'. Note that this refers to the mathematical meaning of the word rather than the informal one.
To speak plainly, you are stating that there is a greater quantity of orgasms than there is of sarcasm. However you have not defined the parameters within which you have found this to be the case. Look around yourself. Do you observe anybody having an orgasm? Do you observe anybody employing saracsm?
For myself, I am at work and the number of observable orgasms (approximately zero) is greatly exceeded by the instances of employed sarcasm (approximately 17 per hour). If you were at home while writing your comment, the answer is likely to be similar. In fact, in most places I know of, instances of sarcasm far exceed the number of orgasms.
I deduce, therefore, that your statement was meant to imply that orgasms are better than sarcasm. If this is the case, I advise you to employ more clear, concise grammar in future.
Thank you for your time and attention.
The Sarcastrix