monster sarcasm rally

(contains short works of neurotica and general abuses of sarcasm)


Did I miss that memo?


New Chick started today. The Ferengi is now acting like she's the boss. She seems to think that both New Chick and I work for her. I've been kind of worried that she might try to take over the training and mould New Chick to be like her. But I didn't think she'd try to assert herself above me.

Hello! Not only do I do my job well, but I can do yours twice as well as you do. Oh, and somehow... I still manage to find time to blog about 1,000 words a day!

Ferengi, I repeat my earlier statement:
You're not the boss of me!
(blows raspberry)

|| this is the word of the sarcastrix @ 11:56

everybody's 2ยข worth:

at 12:33 Blogger BeckoningChasm said...
If you're doing the Ferengi's work, you need to stop immediately, or she will never do it herself. Complain to upper management if needed.

at 13:16 Anonymous Anonymous said...
Oh dear, no. That's the opposite of the problem. I don't do her work. She wants to do mine. She wants to do all the work herself. How else is she going to be able to complain that she does all the work.

And hello! Welcome.


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