monster sarcasm rally

(contains short works of neurotica and general abuses of sarcasm)


The wrath of the Ferengi

Remember those extra reports I told you about earlier in the week? Of course you do...

The Ferengi has now advised me that our boss had no right to order so many. The right thing to do, she says, would be to wait for her to return from vacation and ask her what to do.

Oddly, I am of the view that three things work against this theory.
1. The boss can order as many reports as he wants. He's the boss.
2. If the boss tells me to do something, I should probably do it. Well, if I want to keep my job, that is.
3. I am not obligated to obey the commands of people who are not my boss and do not outrank me in any way. This is particularly true when said commands conflict with what my boss has told me to do.

One final thing... Ferengi, should you ever stumble across this page and by some twisted miracle recognise yourself, there is something I would like to say to you.

You're not the boss of me! Na na na na na na. (Blows rapsberry)
|| this is the word of the sarcastrix @ 14:20

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