monster sarcasm rally

(contains short works of neurotica and general abuses of sarcasm)


This post will make one person laugh

My apologies to the rest of you...

We had to issue a statement today stating that we inadvertently published incorrect information yesterday.

Meat Guy: Should it be 'erratum' or 'errata'?
Sarcastrix: Well, it's only one, so it should be 'erratum'.
Meat Guy: Are you sure? I thought the 'a' was singular and the 'um' made it plural.
Sarcastrix: I have a friend who will laugh at you for ten straight minutes for that statement.
Meat: Oh.

Those of you who know Anne are now nodding your heads. Those of you who don't, well... Just trust me, (as usual) she's cursing me for making her laugh out loud in the library.
|| this is the word of the sarcastrix @ 10:33

everybody's 2ยข worth:

at 15:15 Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, there was no library this time...I am home. But there was severe shaking of the head....-um is singular, -a is plural. Come on people!!! But at least he didn't say erratums. That really really really bugs me! Just like it's gymnasia, not gymnaisiums (actually, it gymnasion, which is the real word, the -um is the latin and it's a Greek thing).
Sic, just give me that guy's address and I sick Prof Dewar on him and then he'll know the difference for the rest of his life!


at 15:20 Anonymous Anonymous said...
I told you so.


at 16:00 Blogger Bookfraud said...
I didn't laugh ten straight minutes, but at least 4.38 seconds, and I don't know Anne.

at 16:13 Anonymous Anonymous said...
Then you must be a geek, too. Um... Well, why else would you be here, really?


at 20:02 Blogger SJ said...
Oh! Oh! I know one! The correct plural of Octopus is not Octopi, like we all think - that is mixing a Greek stem with a Latin plural ending. The correct plural of Octopus is Octopodes...

at 10:30 Anonymous Anonymous said...
Actually, the correct ending of octopus would be octopi since -us/i is Latin. For it to be octopodes it would have to have some funky wierd ending in Greek that I am just not familiar with. I think for it to have a -odes ending, the real Greek word would be octopodos, which doesn't sound right to me. I'm not denying your claim, only stating that it is something I have never really come across. The only thing I can think of that would actually parallel it grammatically is rhapsodos and kitharodos. But if that were indeed true and octopus is the latinized term, then why would they switch a fourth (? is that right?) declension word to a first declension word? Doesn't make sense.
And another thing....if....

I'm going to shut up now before sic swats me with a newspaper....or a very large scalasteri


at 10:31 Anonymous Anonymous said...
You see what I mean?


at 13:06 Anonymous Anonymous said...
No that I think about it more, it can't be octopodos/odes because -es is a feminine ending and then it would actually have to be, that would have to be an octopodeis plural. I know that my Greek is not all that great. But I honestly can not see how octopus plural is octopodes, unless it is octopode, in which case the latinized version should have been octopoda/-odae plural. Doesn't make sense.


Anne, who is currently very frusturated


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