monster sarcasm rally

(contains short works of neurotica and general abuses of sarcasm)


Now go away before I taunt you a second time

Oh look, the funny little man who talks about the fact that his girlfriend’s the same age as his daughter and who makes daily Python references that fly over the heads of the rest of the office is on TV. I wonder why.

Oh wait, I don’t care.
|| this is the word of the sarcastrix @ 12:37

everybody's 2¢ worth:

at 13:59 Anonymous Anonymous said...
It's just such an all-round great word. To piss... To be pissed... To be pissed off... To take the piss out of... And my favourite: PISS OFF!

Management would like to point out that the preceding sentence was not directed at anybody known to be here; however, it cannot be guaranteed that: 1.) such sentiment may never be directed to you at unspecified points in the future; 2.) such sentiment is not directed at any individual not known to be here; or 3.) that this claim is not a complete load of codswallop.

at 14:34 Blogger Lady said...
HEY! What do you have against Monty Python quotes???

But Monsieur! It's waifer thiiin!

at 15:35 Anonymous Anonymous said...
Believe me, I have nothing against Python quotes! I have something against all the people who don't get the Python quotes. And I have a problem with having this personal connection with the vulgar little man...

at 20:07 Blogger Bookfraud said...
i don't know what it is, but your mre blog colors on my iMac are giving me an epileptic fit. give me something to bite on...

at 23:35 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really? I don't know. I tried it on my old iMac as well as my new eMac, and I haven't had any near-seizure experiences. The one thing I did notice is that the links down the side are much lighter on the eMac than they are on my PC at work. But then, they're darker on the iMac. I might darken them up a bit tomorrow if I get a chance, but other than that I'm not sure what you mean.

Anybody else have troubles with the new design?


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