monster sarcasm rally

(contains short works of neurotica and general abuses of sarcasm)


My socks are the problem

When I was getting dressed this morning I discovered a grand total of three black socks. Three. For those of you non-math types: three is a number not readily divisible by two, which is the number of feet I have.

Now, if two of the three had matched, everything would have been fine. But they didn't. I have three solitary, unique, black socks. On principle I don't object to wearing non-matched socks. I try not to wear ones that are wildly different in colour when I'm going to work. Aside from that, it's all good. The trick, however, is to wear two socks that feel the same. These ones don't. And it's pissing me off.
|| this is the word of the sarcastrix @ 16:28

everybody's 2ยข worth:

at 02:42 Blogger Triman said...
Sockgate 2005

at 09:01 Anonymous Anonymous said...
Ah see... The missing socks irritate me, but there isn't much of a mystery here. Two things happen to socks in the Monster House:
1. It's not the washing machine that eats them, it's the laundry room. It's like a graveyard for old socks.
2. The Stinky Monkey. He both collects and eats dirty socks. Sometimes he stashes them away and cuddles with them. Sometimes he eats them.


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