monster sarcasm rally

(contains short works of neurotica and general abuses of sarcasm)


I've learned my lesson. Or have I?

Well, kids... I tried my best and I failed miserably. The lesson, in the words of a wise, wise man, is 'Never try'.

Well, I guess I hadn't learned my lesson because I kept trying. Eventually I came up with this, which I don't love, but at least I don't hate.

One question for you Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape/Sarfari users out there (I'm thinking Carrie and Cat, but anybody who has an answer, please jump in)... What's with the stupid bullets down the side? They don't show up in the GoLive preview nor in Explorer. How do I make them go away?
|| this is the word of the sarcastrix @ 10:52

everybody's 2ยข worth:

at 11:07 Anonymous Anonymous said...
Oops... Sorry... I fell asleep at the switch!

You have probably already figured out the bullet thing by now.

How interesting... IE and Firefox have different bullets. Who knew?

Kisses - Carrie

at 11:34 Anonymous Anonymous said...
Nope. Still can't figure it out. There aren't supposed to be any bullets. In StupidExlplorer there aren't, but in Firefox and Safari there are.

Grr. Argh.

at 12:47 Blogger cat said...
holy crap! it took almost 10 minutes to let me in here to comment. i was about to close the freaking window again. i have been trying to comment since yesterday.


ahem.. sorry i don't know how to make the bullets go away. but i also get them in IE. so firefox & IE both have bullets. you have no < li > tags do you? (without the spaces :)) that would do it. :P

Oh.. and HOW did you manage to make the comments link say something different?? Hmmm?? can you email me or post a comment on my blog (hahahahahaa) to let me know?? PUH-LEZE!!

at 13:14 Anonymous Anonymous said...
For anybody else who wants to know, the code can be found here:

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