Whose blog was I reading this morning? The writer called somebody Captain Obvious.
New Chick is a touch naïve. She's gone out with the guys from one of the other departments a few times. She's asked me to join them. I'd have no objection to going out with her (so long as she kept her feet sealed up all night), but I have no interest in going out with them.
These guys... Hmm... You know the type... In high school they were the nerds. In university they formed a bit of a club. They studied business. They partied hard, but made sure they passed all their courses. They weren't cool, though. No matter how hard they partied, they still weren't cool. They smoked a lot of weed and talked about how different things would be once they were making the big bucks. After university, most of them moved back in with their parents.
They drive flashy cars and hang out at the coolest bars. They buy drinks for every woman that says hello to them. They talk about how important their jobs are. Money comes up in every conversation. For Angel/Buffy fans, Cordelia once went on a date with a guy like this. He kept talking about money and himself and his money and soybean futures. They were attacked by a demon, and the dude jumped in his expensive car and drove away, screaming like a little girl.
Anyways... I don't actually know them, but I can tell that much just from meeting them once or twice.
Today new chick told me a big sordid tale of how she drank too much on Friday night. One of the guys offered to let her crash at his place. She accepted, since hers was about a $75 cab fare away. When they got to his apartment, he started putting the moves on her. She was surprised.
On a side note, she said at one point he started massaging her feet! How he got within 12 metres of her unshod feet, I do not know. I guess that's evidence of just how far these guys will go to get what they want.
I couldn't help but stare blankly at her as she told me how surprised and upset she was that he tried something. I mean really. There are nice guys and then there are guys who will say/do/be anything you want so that they can get what they want. These are not 'nice'. They are acting like they think she wants them to in the hopes that she will sleep with one of them. Hello!
Um... I think I had a point, but I really have to go to the bathroom and I don't remember what it was.