monster sarcasm rally

(contains short works of neurotica and general abuses of sarcasm)


Annoying ways to wake up

My alarm clock is really annoying. And not just because it goes off so frickin' early. Its incessant, repeated noise isn't a 'meep'. It's not really a 'bleep', not quite a 'mrrr'. I don't know how to describe it, except to say that if you imagine the most horrible noise on earth, it sounds a lot like that.

Recently, though, I've discovered other, even more annoying ways to be woken up.

On Friday my alarm clock didn't go off. I would probably have slept in really late if it weren't for the sound of the Stinky Monkey obsessively licking his crotch. I woke up screaming 'Stop it! Don't do that! I hate that noise!', and then looked at the clock. Crap. I got up 10 minutes late.

On Friday night we had a party. I was up until four thirty. I was the last one to go to bed. However, I also got the extreme pleasure of being the first one up on Saturday morning. Why? Funny you should ask. I was lying in bed, dozing in and out of sleep, aware of a conversation between Shane and the newly rechristened Gina (formerly known as 'As Yet Unrechristened Female Housemate'). Eventually, they stopped talking. Oh good, I thought, now I can go back to sleep.

What? What am I hearing? No. No, I'm not hearing that. [press one ear into pillow; pull duvet up over other ear] No way. [press hands to ears and sing la la la la la] Crap. I got up at nine.

I'm sure there are more annoying ways to get up, but I'd prefer to save them for another week.
|| this is the word of the sarcastrix @ 11:03

everybody's 2ยข worth:

at 11:46 Blogger Bottle Rocket Fire Alarm said...
If they were silent fuckers then their sound and the sound of the crotch licking dog must be remarkably similar.

at 12:24 Anonymous Anonymous said...
They aren't.



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