monster sarcasm rally

(contains short works of neurotica and general abuses of sarcasm)


While I was sleeping...

At some point last night my little hit counter jumped up into the four-digit world. I feel so validated! And that's visitors, not page loads, just so you know. So you there, in Utah, reading everything I've ever written, you only count a couple of times. And welcome. Say hello to the nice folks.
|| this is the word of the sarcastrix @ 15:26

everybody's 2ยข worth:

at 17:29 Blogger CBK said...
I wouldn't say "everything" you've ever written. It'll take me a while to read the novel. Isn't Sitemeter (or similar services) great? I must confess to coveting this site over the others (love the snark), but I enjoyed reading all of them. I, too, used to do some major faith self-investigation. But then I became a philosophy major and decided that lazy, deistic agnosticism was the best path. I have started my own blog which you can find through my profile. I'm going to do a post on MarryanAmerican, and link to your site, if I may. Thanks for the words.

at 17:49 Anonymous Anonymous said...
As you can tell, work here in Utah is also boring. Thanks for the welcome. I've enjoyed reading your stuff, especially the grammar posts. Keep it up!


at 19:06 Anonymous Anonymous said...
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at 20:20 Blogger CBK said...
We are two people at the same place of employment with not much to do but look for and read blogs. When things pick up at the job, we're going to be in trouble with the blog fixes we've created for ourselves.

at 11:34 Anonymous Anonymous said...
'Twas the week before Christmas and all through the office not an assignment was stirring, not even a TEENY LITTLE MAKE-WORK PROJECT!

Good grief, I'm bored.


PS: What's a deistic agnostic. Is that sort of the way I feel about Joss Whedon? I've heard about him, seen evidence of him (Buffy kicks everybody's butts!), but I've never met him so any knowledge I may garner is clouded and second-hand at best.

at 11:37 Anonymous Anonymous said...
Crap! I accidentally deleted my earlier comment. I don't even remember what I said. That was just dumb.

at 11:46 Blogger CBK said...
Since I just made up the term, it doesn't have a good definition. I see it as believing that there is a "god" or primary cause of the universe, but that it is beyond human senses and reason to know or describe that force any further. Like I said, it's a lazy faith system.


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