monster sarcasm rally

(contains short works of neurotica and general abuses of sarcasm)


Pass the Febreeze

So, last night dude said to me,
I haven't done laundry since I came to Toronto.

WHAT? You've been here for a month!

I know, but I just keep recycling everything.

I'd been thinking he had a bit of a malodorous effect on the house. Now I know why. Good grief, man! Even if you buy into the whole recycling theory, one pair of underwear still only lasts four days. Dude has three pairs of pants and I've seen maybe two different shirts. I don't even want to know about the underwear situation.

[violent shudder]

And, hey, the whole walking to the laundromat excuse is moot. We have laundry in the house. Free laundry, even. With free laundry detergent.

See, and you guys thought that smell was emanating from the Stinky Monkey...
|| this is the word of the sarcastrix @ 13:19

everybody's 2ยข worth:

at 14:00 Anonymous Anonymous said...
that's totally disgusting. Why on earth would someone do that? But, I forget, which one is "dude"? The "guitare" dude or the "Calgarian" dude?


at 14:37 Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hey Anne,

Why's statcounter telling me you're in Winnipeg? Did you alter your plans at the last minute? How's the weather?

If dude were an officially assigned codename, it would be Dude. I was trying to preserve the stinker's anonymity.

But since you asked... I have no idea who you mean by either of those monikers. They both play guitar. One lived in Calgary for several years and the other just really enjoys saying the word 'Calgarian'. Oh, and we do have two genuine Calgarians in the house, as well. Coincidentally one of them complained about a noxious odour last night.

Yes, Hot Guy has done laundry. It's English we're talking about.


at 03:30 Blogger Cute but kinda Evil said...
yeah...i know...i've been trying to get him to laundry for like a week before i left


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