monster sarcasm rally

(contains short works of neurotica and general abuses of sarcasm)


Dear Buster, you win

I am Sarcastrix, daughter of Sarcastor the Truly Stubborn, granddaughter of Sarcastrix the Unspeakably Manipulative...

And I have just been out-sarcased, um... sarcassed, oh dear, no... sarcast?

Whatever. Where's my chocolate?
|| this is the word of the sarcastrix @ 15:33

everybody's 2ยข worth:

at 03:54 Blogger Aubrey said...
Thanks for the compliment oh sarcastic one...but a small victory does not a war win...besides, I think that if you add up all the times you are wonderfully sarcastic, you have beaten me hands down about a gazillion times. How can I not love a girl who understands the wonderfulness that is Buffy, and yet still understands the real life lameness that is Sarah Michelle....Keep up the good work baby...I'll be reading...

at 12:41 Anonymous Anonymous said...
The real-life lameness of SMG...

I'm still pissed off. I bought the 2004 Buffy calendar. I've been pissed off about it for eleven and a half months. I wanted Buffy action shots, goshdarnit! What I got was twelve lame photos of cast members trying to look pensive and sexy at the same time.

Besides... SMG's even thinner than I am. That can't be healthy.

Besides besides... Somehow, magically, she has tits. This in spite of her skinny factor. That can't be natural.


at 07:23 Blogger Aubrey said...
I've seen her tits (we have mutual friends)...they are natural, but hardly worth speaking about - I put her at about a 32B. But she is nowhere near as cute as she was at the beginning of Buffy...and her real-life personality is controlling, neurotic, obsessive, and egocentric - besides that, she's dumb as a bag of hammers. Once I spent the first ten minutes with her, any fantasy I may have had was torn to shreds.


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