I've noticed a few things about me. I mean, I've always known them, but I never suspected other people might do things differently.
1. I always hang the dish towel back up perfectly flat and straight. My brother used to wad it into the stove rack any old way. I always assumed it was because he had brain damage. Apparently not...
2. I alphabetise my book collection. Fiction goes by author's last name. If there are several books by the same author, they go by publication date, unless they are part of a series. The first book in a series is placed where it should logically go, the rest of the series goes with it, even if the author published other books in between. Non-fiction goes by topic, then by author/editor's last name.
3. I am extraordinarily disturbed people who leave partial squares of toilet paper. There is a perforated line! I don't understand people who can't use it. (Yes, Moiraine, I mean you.)
4. I re-read my blogs and e-mails about two or three times before sending them. I make numerous changes. Once a blog is published, I edit it an average of four times. I wish I could do the same with e-mails. I re-read them once they're sent and notice errors or things I could have said better.
Excuse me, I need to re-read this a few times before I hit the big orange button.
Six changes made...
Make that eight changes...
Nine... (Somebody please stop me!)
Oh, I think my original personality is plenty sarcastic enough.
I'm trying to put some distance between this blog and the one where I keep the personal stuff. I came up with the name sarcastrix as I walked home yesterday. I think it suits.