So, I've been thinking. I've been toying with an idea of late. It's a pretty big deal, actually. It's such a big thing that I haven't even mentioned it to anybody. You see, I'm contemplating a major lifestyle change. The very fact that I'm considering such a drastic move is kind of freaking me out.
I'm thinking of adding a word to my vocabulary. I'm not talking about just any word either. It's one that's always been on my banned list. It's—
Nope, can't do it. Can't bring myself to use it. Not yet. I'm not ready.
I know, I know... You want to know what word it is I'm talking about. Well, since I can't say it and I can't type it, I'll just allude to it. Think
'assassination'. Think
'associate'. Think
'harassment'. Think
I don't know. It's a big step and I'm not sure I'm ready to take it. Maybe someday I will be, but it probably won't today.
I assume this issue, which may or may not be massive, is one that you will see better in hindsight. Oh well, bottoms up!