monster sarcasm rally

(contains short works of neurotica and general abuses of sarcasm)


The Ferengi

The woman who sits next to me is a pain in the butt. She's a nice person, but she's horrible to work with. My father has dubbed her 'the Ferengi'. She wants to be the Big Bad, but really she's just a nuissance. (If you're following my analogy, then I guess that would actually make her the Trio: Warren, Andrew & Jonathan, but my dad's not into Buffy, so he wouldn't get that.) She doesn't understand computers. She blames me whenever anything doesn't work the way she wants it to, which is all the time. Yesterday she got mad at me for messing up one of the files she had worked on. It took me several minutes to explain that my writing on a Post-It and sticking it to the front of the printed version of the document would not in any way harm the file stored on her computer. Shocking, ain't it?

I'm writing this because she just got mad at me. I made some PDFs for her, to help her out. She's annoyed that I put boxes around each image. Huh? All I did was PDF the files. If there were boxes there, then I left them in. If she doesn't want the boxes, then she can cut them off once she's placed them in the InDesign file she's working on. It's really quite simple (my dog could do it if he had opposable thumbs!). She huffed at me and said that if she cut the boxes off, she'd have to put new boxes around them.
I don't get it: are boxes good or bad?

The Ferengi and I sit on the complete other end of the floor from the rest of our department. She sits at the end of a long walkway and I sit around the corner. The only person I can interact with or see is her. She can see everybody in our department and two other departments. When I first started here I thought it was odd that we're so far away from the rest of the department (there are two other departments between here and there). I quickly discovered the reason for it: nobody wants to sit near her. She's too cranky. Everybody hides from her. I have to sit next to her, because our jobs require it. When she has a beef with anybody else in the office (several times per day) she sends me to follow up with the offender.

Anyways... That's my rant for the afternoon. I'm done now.
|| this is the word of the sarcastrix @ 03:45

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